Like it or not, it’s similar to online streaming where yes, they can’t shut down web site services for streaming movies/tv shows, but they certainly can make sites take down their intellectual property. If they make it able to run persona 5 without asking the company first that also enables a strike. What most people don’t realize is that if the patreon page was listing Persona 5 or using any imagery on their page to help promote the emulator they were making that is grounds for a strike. FOR GOD SAKES ATLUS STOP MAKING GAMES FOR PSVITA!!!!!! TL DR, Atlus strike is valid, if you hate the company over this it’s your loss, don’t believe everything you read on reditard. Shin Megami Tensei V, Catherine, the whole works. The longevity of games on PC is something that’s great, and so because of this, I would love it if you guys released and sold Persona 5 on PC. I don’t want to have to hope that there’s a port on a newer system each time there’s a new Playstation console or something. If I buy something, I want to always be able to play it on a modern platform. Plus as I said, I prefer the longevity of PCs. If they were on PC, people would be able to play them at 4k or even 8k one day, and such graphical control would help the games’ beauty show even more. Persona 5 for example is a gorgeous game, but by being on the PS3 and PS4, its being limited in the sense that those consoles can only do so much. I love and adore your games, but I don’t like how game consoles get replaced over time or how limiting they are graphically at times. I would love it if you guys released your games on PC. We want to continue having a dialogue about where and how you would like to play our games.

Unfortunately, when our content is illegally circumvented and potentially made available for free, in a format we do not think delivers the experience and quality we intend, it undermines our ability to do so by diverting potential support from new audiences. We want to keep bringing you titles like Persona 5. We appreciate the awareness generated by the emulation community for Persona 5 and know that it is a fantastic example of how much people are loving our game.And while we don’t have anything to announce today, we are listening! For now, the best way to experience Persona 5 is on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. We understand that many Persona fans would love to see a PC version. We don’t want their first experiences to be framerate drops, or crashes, or other issues that can crop up in emulation that we have not personally overseen. We believe that our fans best experience our titles (like Persona 5) on the actual platforms for which they are developed.

We settled upon this action for two reasons: You might have heard earlier today that we issued a DMCA takedown notice involving emulation developer group RPCS3 and their Patreon page.